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Introduction to experimental planification and data analysis of Omics [Participation : Présentiel]

Contact : Kieffert Isabelle

Catégorie : Formations scientifiques et techniques

Thématique : Formation à la recherche 

Langue de l'intervention : anglais

Nombre d'heures : 15

Min participants : 4

Max participants : 12

Nbre d'inscrits : 2

Nombre de places disponibles : 10

Public prioritaire : Aucun

Public concerné :
Tout doctorant de Agriculture, Alimentation, Biologie, Environnement et Santé

Proposé par : Agriculture, Alimentation, Biologie, Environnement et Santé

Lieu : URCA, UFR Sciences Exactes et Naturelles, Moulin de la Housse, bâtiment 7, salle 702
Observations : Participants bring their own computer with last version of R
Mots clés : experimental planification, data analysis, omics
Début de la formation : 9 juillet 2024
Fin de la formation : 11 juillet 2024
Date limite d'inscription : 30 juin 2024
Modalités d'inscription : Inscription by ADUM AND by direct contact to Pr Claudia Cosio who organize this training:

Objectifs :
The objectives are to provide participants with a solid foundation in omics data analysis and their underlying principles from experimental plan to interpretation of results. At the end of the training, you will be able to know which method to use to answer data integration questions, to implement these methods with the R software and to interpret the results in numerical and graphical form.

Programme :
1. Introduction to Omics
2. Bioinformatics, Gene Ontology and data analysis
3. Transcriptomics and Proteomics
4. Metabolomics
5. Systems Biology and Integrative Omics

Pré-requis :
User knowledge of R (level 3 of Self-Assessment Questionnaire; participant knows how to run a script and adapt it to their needs)

- Level in R-Self-Assessment Questionnaire (An answer at a certain level assumes that the lower levels (except 0) are also acquired).

0 I don't know what R is
1 I know how to open RStudio but no more
2 I generally understand what an R code does even if I wouldn't have been able to write it on my own
3 I know how to retrieve an existing code and adapt it to my needs
4 I know how to write R code from an empty page
5 I can help my colleagues solve their R problem

Equipe pédagogique :
Claudia Cosio

Méthode pédagogique :
Theory and practical training sessions where participants can learn how to perform omics experiments, analyze omics data using bioinformatics tools, and interpret results

Compétences acquises à l'issue de la formation :
Comprehensive understanding of omics visualization techniques and data analysis

La formation participe à l'objectif suivant :être directement utile pour la réalisation des travaux personnels de recherche

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