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NeuroJobs workshop [Participation : Présentiel]

Contact : HACHEMI Sabrina
Tél: 0413941942

Catégorie : Formations transversales

Langue de l'intervention : anglais

Nombre d'heures : 4

Max participants : 40

Nbre d'inscrits : 17

Nombre de places disponibles : 23

Public prioritaire : Spécialités doctorales du domaine

Public concerné :

Proposé par : Ecole Doctorale Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé

Lieu : Campus Saint-Charles, Salle des Voûtes
Observations : Organised by the NeuroSchool PhD program
Mots clés : CV, job interview, careers, networking, neuroscience
Début du module : 21 mai 2019
Date limite d'inscription : 12 mai 2019
Modalités d'inscription : Priority audience: Neuroscience PhD students Target audience: Health and Life Science PhD students (and young researchers) from AMU and beyond first register here on ADUM, then the organizers will contact registered students for them to choose their specific sessions. Young researchers without access to ADUM may contact the organizers directly by mail :

Objectifs :
Learn how to write a scientific CV and a punchy cover letter and how to prepare for a successful job interview.

Programme :
Would you like to take advantage of the NeuroFrance 2019 meeting to cultivate your network and circulate your CV? Then come with a dream CV and be ready for an impromptu interview! On the eve of the meeting, NeuroSchool offers you a free workshop to showcase your skills, both in writing and orally. Neuroschool is a graduate school dedicated to students in Neuroscience of Marseille and is committed to supporting and opening students to the professional world.


12h-14h: Professional photos: A photographer will take professional photos, now essential on your CV and professional online profiles, or for announcing your participation in a scientific event.
Specific time slots will be allocated later.

14h-18h: different sessions in different rooms, about:
- Identifying and developing your skills
- What career opportunities after a PhD?
- Where to find a scientific job
- The importance of professional social networks (including LinkedIn)
- Workshops for writing/correcting CVs, LinkedIn profiles and cover letters
- Job interview simulations (Specific time slots will be allocated later)

18h-19h30: Cocktail with professional guests

Prerequisite: finding an ad for a job and writing CV and cover letter adapted to this ad

Pré-requis :
finding an ad for a job and writing CV and cover letter adapted to this ad

Equipe pédagogique :
experts d'Adoc Talent Management

Méthode pédagogique :

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